Do you consider flirting cheating? Or can you consider someone a loyal friend even though they cheat on their significant other?
Hot topics that have divided us for too long and we want answers!
So we from DCA (Dutch Caribbean Association), SSA (Surinamese Students Abroad) and ASAH thought this was the perfect opportunity to combine this in one fun Valentine’s day event.
But hasn’t Cupid’s arrow pierced your heart yet and are you still looking for your valentine? Don’t worry, just make sure to wear the right colors to the event.
Love has many forms, including friendship! That’s why we will be starting with speedfriending where you can ask many steamy questions. After that we will be having a debate focussing on hot & controversial topics. Towards the end you guys will be putting your hips to the test!
Lock the date in your agenda and we’ll see you then!